Seasonal Cleanse

october 12-18, 2024

7 Day Program to Lightness, Clarity and
Vibrant Energy

Your Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleanse & Reset To:
- Slow Down & take stock of the influences in your life
- Support your liver's natural ability to eliminate toxins from your body
- Strengthen your immune & nervous systems creating strength, happiness & vibrant health.

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Cleansing Naturally

This timely Ayurvedic cleanse uses nourishing foods, herbs & self-care techniques to naturally rejuvenate your body, strengthening and balancing your whole system.

Live Yoga Sessions

zoom AND recorded

Movement is an important part of cleansing - however the right movement is essential.

While you're detoxing, it's important to create a balance between creating enough movement for the body to release its toxins while not overworking the systems of the body.

Live Yoga Classes will assist you in the right movement for cleansing.

Monday: 6 - 7 a.m. AEDT
Wednesday: 6 - 7 a.m. AEDT

These Yoga classes will be recorded
for use later in the day or throughout the week.

Daily Ayurvedic tips

Creating your unique program

Each one of us has arrived where we are because of the unique circumstances we have in our life.

What is the perfect 9 day program for one person isn't necessarily going to be the perfect fit for someone else.

In the daily email you'll receive tips to tailor your cleanse specifically to your needs.

In previous programs this has proven to be one of the most popular aspects of this cleansing package.

Support & Follow Up

We've got YOU - 100%

From the time the detox begins, you'll be supported to tailor this experience 100% to YOUR individual needs.

Beginning on Wednesday, 9th October,
with a live information webinar on cleansing and how to style your cleanse
for your individual needs.

on the email you have the opportunity to send your questions.

you'll receive a guided meditation, pranayam or yoga nidra tailored to where you're at.

you'll have support from an Ayurvedic Practitioner who has your best interests at heart.

Join Robyn for a closing session on SATURDAY, 19th October @ 10am, for Reflections, Q&A and your "WHERE TO FROM HERE."

This program will assist in clearing accumulated toxins, physical and mental.

You'll be supported to cleanse gently and naturally in a way that will leave you feeling light in your body, clear in your mind and strong in your immunity.

“As long as we are not living in harmony with nature and our constitution,
we cannot expect ourselves to renew and experience healing.
Ayurveda gives us the means.”

David Frawley

enroll now
Hosted by Robyn Lynch

Robyn has a passion for 'True Wellness’.

Her dream is that all people have access to the wisdom of self-knowing that allows each of us to experience our inherent freedom. As the founder of The Perfect Health Centre, she’s facilitated life-changing programs for thousands of clients. Robyn has a B. Ed and has studied extensively in Ayurvedic Medicine, Yoga, Meditation and breakthrough healing practices. Her qualifications include being an Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner, holding a Masters from the Chopra Centre University and she is currently lecturer on the Faculty of IYTA. (International Yoga Teachers Association.)

about robyn lynch