

in the New Year

7 Days of Live Yoga Classes
Starting 11th January - 17th January

"Yoga does not change the way we see things.
It Transforms the Person Who Sees."

Start by enjoying the holiday season fully, without pressure or a need to move on as fast as your can.
And then, with ease, love and joy,
step into the flow of 2021 energy.

Register Now

Step into 2021 Energy With Ease, Love & Joy.

Start by enjoying the holiday season fully, without pressure or a need to move on as fast as you can and then, with ease, love and joy, step into the flow of 2021 energy.

The New Year Nourish You Offering:      
- 7 Days of live Yoga classes (or you can do the recording later)
- Daily Ayurveda tips to cleanse and re-ignite digestion
- Guided meditations to support you throughout the week (and yours to keep), and...

drum roll please…..

- A 90 minute Clarity & Intention Setting Workshop to create your clear focus for 2021

Hosted by Robyn Lynch

Robyn has a passion for 'True Wellness’.

Her dream is that all people have access to the wisdom of self-knowing that allows each of us to experience our inherent freedom. As the founder of The Perfect Health Centre, she’s facilitated life-changing programs for thousands of clients. Robyn has a B. Ed and has studied extensively in Ayurvedic Medicine, Yoga, Meditation and breakthrough healing practices. Her qualifications include being an Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner, holding a Masters from the Chopra Centre University and she is currently lecturer on the Faculty of IYTA. (International Yoga Teachers Association.)

Robyn standing in professional attire